Teeth Whitening

The Power of an Appealing Smile

Everyone knows someone with a stunning smile – those beautiful white teeth just light up the room. A remarkable smile creates a powerful impression that is impossible to forget. People just love a nice smile. In fact, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) says that 96 percent of those surveyed said that they are drawn to people with an appealing smile. AACD also says that when they asked the survey participants what aspect of their smile they would most like to improve, the #1 response was whiter and brighter teeth.

Wouldn’t you like a whiter, brighter smile that others find appealing?

Of course, you would! We all would like an appealing smile, and for a wide variety of personal and professional reasons. 

Benefits of a Beautiful Smile

Make yourself more attractive to others

A survey for Match.com polled 5,000 men and women, and found that the number one attractive quality was a beautiful smile. Flashing your pearly whites can make you more appealing. 

A beautiful smile is the Fountain of Youth

Would you like to look younger, but don’t want plastic surgery? Teeth whitening can be your personal, non-surgical Fountain of Youth! In fact, professional teeth whitening is one of the most affordable, quickest, and easiest was of turning back time. Research by Oral B found that white teeth can make someone look five years younger – and that someone could be you!

A real confidence booster

Do you cover your mouth when you talk or smile? If you are like other people with yellow or stained teeth, you probably do – and you may not even realize it. You may not realize it, but covering your mouth like that can cause others to think that you have low self-esteem. Getting a whiter smile can give you the confidence you need to speak with authority and smile brightly. 

Gives you an edge over the competition

Almost every profession is highly competitive these days – to get ahead, you need every advantage you can get. The consumer insights and strategy consulting firm, Kelton Research, performed a 3-part study in which subjects participated in simulated job interviews, simulated first dates, and an online survey; half of the participants acted as evaluators and the other half acted as job employees and dates. 

The study results showed that the evaluators thought that 65 percent of participants with whitened teeth were more professional. What’s more, 58 percent of participants with whitened teeth were more likely to land the job, and 53 percent of those with whitened teeth received higher salary offers than did those without whitened teeth. A whiter, brighter smile can give you the edge over your competition in your personal and professional life. 

Professional Whitening Makes a World of Difference – Here’s Why

Getting your teeth white and keeping them white is not easy – even with the daily brushing, flossing, and rinsing. Every day, your teeth face an onslaught of stain-causing agents: coffee, tea, red wine, soda, and certain foods can stain your tooth enamel and dull your smile. And, as your teeth lose their whiteness, your smile loses its charm. 

Professional whitening helps bring out the best in your smile

When it comes to whitening your teeth, you have a lot of options. Take a short trip down the tooth care aisle at your local store and you’ll find dozens of generic over-the-counter whitening treatments, each promising quick results and easy use. While some of these products may whiten your teeth a shade or two, there are some drawbacks. The teeth whitening products you find in the store do not use professional-grade ingredients, for example, which means they lack the power to truly whiten your teeth.

What’s more, over-the-counter teeth whitening products do not come with personalized treatment guidance, such as how to deal with certain types of dental work that do not respond to whitening or how to avoid gum sensitivity. 

In-office teeth whitening provides a number of benefits

  1. You’ll establish your starting point

“Whiter teeth” is a relative term – in order to have whiter teeth, you need to know the current shade of your teeth. This information helps you determine how much whiter your teeth can become, and help you know when your teeth start losing their appeal. We use a professional tooth shade guide to mark your starting point and to monitor your results over time.

  1. You’ll know what to expect

Over-the-counter products make big promises, but the results rarely meet your expectations. Our vast experience with teeth whitening helps us assess how well your teeth will respond to teeth whitening, and to help you understand what you can expect with your teeth whitening treatment. 

3. We’ll custom-design your teeth whitening treatment to fit your needs and desires

Your smile is one-of-a-kind that needs and deserves more than a one-size-fits-all solution. We can design your very own teeth whitening treatment plan that gets your teeth the whitest shade possible while protecting your gums. 

4. You’ll enjoy the benefits of the strongest whitening solutions available

As licensed dental care providers, our dentists have access to professional-grade materials, which are inaccessible to the public. 

5. You’ll receive ongoing guidance from our dental professionals

Every time you come back to our office, we’ll monitor the shade of your teeth. We’ll even provide you with tips for keeping your teeth as white as possible. 

Contact us for a complimentary teeth-whitening consultation today, and enjoy whiter, brighter teeth and a more appealing smile tomorrow.

Call 412-910-2250 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.